St. Norbert Mission Statement
St. Norbert Church, as part of God's Holy people, is united through our belief in Jesus, the Christ.
We strive to live a life of Christian Witness through the Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and enriched by its understanding of the Scriptures are called to proclaim the Good News to others.
We find our strength through the Celebration of the Sacraments and our common prayer, calling upon God's Spirit which unifies through reconciliation and Love.
Helping Ministries We Support
- The Emergency Assistance Ministry
(TEAM) of Florissant and Hazelwood - Room at the Inn Night Site
- Respect Life Apostolate
- St. Vincent DePaul Society
- Funeral Meals
- Blood Drives
- St. Patrick's Casseroles
- Neighbor to Neighbor Program
- Jonah Healing Prayer Team
Opportunities for Fellowship
- Men of St. Norbert
- Knights of Columbus
- K of C Ladies Auxiliary
- 50 Plus Club
- Coffee and Donuts after Mass
Opportunities to Sing or Strum
- Adult Choir
- Music Group
Opportunities for Study
- Adult Faith Development Seminars
- Bible Study
- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Opportunities for Youth
- Parish School of Religion
- Fusion High School Students
- Athletic Leagues
- Boy Scout Troops
- Girl Scout Troops